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.NET Core 1.0 - How to run "All tests in Solution" with xUnit command line

The Getting started with (.NET Core / ASP.NET Core) page describes how to run tests with dotnet test command line.

It states that it requires a specific project.json, where we add xunit dependencies and test runner:

  "testRunner": "xunit",
    "dependencies": {
        "xunit": "2.1.0",
        "dotnet-test-xunit": "1.0.0-rc2-build10015"

If I try calling it from the parent directory:

C:\git\Project\test [master ≡]> dotnet test
dotnet-test Error: 0 : System.InvalidOperationException: C:\git\Project\test\project.json does not exist.
   at Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.TestCommand.GetProjectPath(String projectPath)
   at Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.TestCommand.DoRun(String[] args)
C:\git\Project\test [master ≡]>

Question: Is there a way to run all tests (multiple project.json) with a single dotnet test?


  • Since it's been almost a month and no answer, I'll at least share what I've been doing. (this won't be relevant once Visual Studio "15" RTM is launched because project.json is dead)

    Simply using a for loop on all project.json:

    Locally, from the test directory, I just run:

    for /f %a in ('dir /b /s project.json ^| find /v "TestUtilities"') do dotnet test %a

    Running it on all project.json except where the path has: TestUtilities

    Mind that on TeamCity you need to escape % (and in scripts you need double: %%) so it goes by:

    for /f %%%a in ('dir /b /s project.json ^| find /v "TestUtilities"') do dotnet test %%%a

    Note the %%%. Since % in TeamCity is used for variables, the third % escapes it.