I want to write six temp data files from my original data keeping the following variables:
I have tried the following:
forvalues i =1(1)6 {
local j = 6 + (`i'-1)*13
local k = `j'+12
keep v1-v18 if `j'==6
keep v1-v5 v`i'-v`k' if `i'>6 & `j'<71
keep v1-v5 v71-v84 if `j'==71
export delimited using temp`i'.csv, delimiter(";") novarnames replace
I get an invalid syntax
error. The problem lies with the keep
statements. Specifically the if
condition with a local macro seems to be against syntax rules.
I think part of your confusion is due to misunderstanding the if
qualifier vs the if
The if
command evaluates an expression: if that expression is true, it executes what follows. The if
command should be used to evaluate a single expression, in this case, the value of a macro.
You might use an if
qualifier, for example, when you want to regress y x if x > 2
or replace x = . if x <= 2
etc. See here for a short description.
Your syntax has other issues too. You cannot have code following on the same line as the open brace in your forvalues
loop, or again on the same line as your closing brace. You also use the local i
to condition your keep
. I think you mean to use j
here, as i
simply serves to iterate the loop, not identify a variable suffix.
Further, the logic here seems to work, but doesn't seem very general or efficient. I imagine there is a better way to do this but I don't have time to play around with it at the moment - perhaps an update later.
In any case, I think the correct syntax most analogous to what you have tried is something like the following.
clear *
set more off
set obs 5
forvalues i = 1/84 {
gen v`i' = runiform()
forvalues i =1/6 {
local j = 6 + (`i'-1)*13
local k = `j'+12
if `j' == 6 {
keep v1-v18
else if `j' > 6 & `j' < 71 {
keep v1-v5 v`j'-v`k'
else keep v1-v5 v71-v84
I use ds
here to simply list the variables in the data followed by di
do display a blank line as a separator, but you could simply plug back in your export
and it should work just fine.
Another thing to consider if you truly want temp data files is to consider using tempfile
so that you aren't writing anything to disk. You might use
forvalues i = 1/6 {
tempfile temp`i'
// other commands
save `temp`i''
This will create six Stata data files temp1
- temp6
that are held in memory until the program terminates.