For an application that I am working on, I use parse server and the push notification property. Until now I was using a developer provisioning profile. Now I want to test the app with the Ad-hoc provisioning profile as it is said that before putting to the apple store it would be good to test it in Ad-hod. I created the profiles, and selected the ad-hoc profile in X-code under build settings>provisioning profile, and the debug info under code signing identity are set as iphone distribution. However when I run the project in a device I got the error: process launch failed: failed to get the task for process 4481
When I convert the profile to developer mode again in xcode, it works. Am I missing something?
For run directly in the device, you need generate Provisioning Profiles in development mode. The adhoc Provisioning Profiles can't run in the device if you not have the device id
Later edit your provisioning profile and add the new device and re-generate it.
This way is very unstable. Personally i recommend the development provisioning way.