I'm looking for a better way of recursing over items that may have cyclic dependencies. Currently, I pass a list of already processed items along in order to not process them again, but that is probably not the best way to do it.
Here's what I'm currently doing:
/// <summary>
/// caching dependencies in order to increase performance
/// </summary>
private static readonly IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<OwnedItem>> dependencies
= new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<OwnedItem>>();
/// <summary>
/// recursively find OwnedItem this oi depends upon
/// in order to correctly handle cyclic dependencies, already considered
/// dependencies need to be supplied as well (can be null or empty)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oi"></param>
/// <param name="parentDeps"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static IEnumerable<OwnedItem> GetDependencies(
OwnedItem oi,
IEnumerable<OwnedItem> parentDeps)
if (null == oi)
return Enumerable.Empty<OwnedItem>();
if (dependencies.ContainsKey(oi.UniqueId))
return dependencies[oi.UniqueId];
var comparer = new TCObjectComparer<OwnedItem>();
var result = new HashSet<OwnedItem>(comparer);
result.UnionWith(parentDeps ?? Enumerable.Empty<OwnedItem>());
foreach (var oi2 in oi.AllUsedOwnedItemsToBeIncluded.Except(
result, comparer))
result.UnionWith(GetDependencies(oi2, result));
dependencies[oi.UniqueId] = result;
return result;
The items are of type 'OwnedItem' and keep a list (IEnumerable<OwnedItem>
) of their direct dependencies in property AllUsedOwnedItemsToBeIncluded
but basically this should apply whenever 'items' keep a list of 'items' where cyclic dependencies can occur.
Using the dictionary just avoids doing the same calculation more than once; it is not essential. Also, only a single instance of TCObjectComparer
is needed, but that is not essential, either.
Any suggestions? I think there must exist some classic algorithm to handle this, but I can't find it.
What you are trying to do is basically going through all the nodes of a connected graph. Your AllUsedOwnedItemsToBeIncluded property is the list of nodes connected to your current node.
You can have a look here to find some graph traversal algorithms that might help.
You algorithm is one way of doing a graph traversal. You'll have to go through each node and keep a list of the visited nodes to not visit him twice.
One other algorithm which reduces the number of traversals can be:
list nodesToExplore;
list exploredNodes;
for all node in nodesToExplore
for all child in node.childs
if(child not in exploredNodes)
When it ends, the exploredNodes will contain what you need. Using an hashset/dictionnary instead of a list will improve the performance