Is it possible to get gitk
to show the full tag names instead of a shortened version. When I use long names I just see "tag...":
Here is the relevant code, from /usr/bin/gitk in my Ubuntu Xenial machine:
set marks {}
set ntags 0
set nheads 0
set singletag 0
set maxtags 3
set maxtagpct 25
set maxwidth [expr {[graph_pane_width] * $maxtagpct / 100}]
set delta [expr {int(0.5 * ($linespc - $lthickness))}]
set extra [expr {$delta + $lthickness + $linespc}]
if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
set marks $idtags($id)
set ntags [llength $marks]
if {$ntags > $maxtags ||
[totalwidth $marks mainfont $extra] > $maxwidth} {
# show just a single "n tags..." tag
set singletag 1
if {$ntags == 1} {
set marks [list "tag..."]
} else {
set marks [list [format "%d tags..." $ntags]]
set ntags 1
Given that, the options that I see are
to increase the width of the panel, by moving the author divider further over to the right
to hack that code, e.g. by increasing maxtagpct so that the tag name is allowed to occupy more of the available width.
I don't think there's anything there that is controlled by an already exposed configuration setting.