Can anyone help me to structure my brand new cordova app using vs15 and Onsen with Angular. I need to know the folder structure as well as in detail.
There are so many approaches. If you want to target for your app you have to think and structure. Since you want to know the folder structure i will provide some guidelines to follow
Lets say you are going to develop a Taxi application.
This have two main actors Driver and Customer
1) Breakdown common factors under www
css, images, lib, scripts, views
2) Dive into each folder
Css > Common (login page, slide menu css)
Images > Common (logo), Driver, Customer
Lib > Folder for each 3rd party thing (jquery, chartjs)
Scripts > Common (login), Driver, Customer
Views > Common (login), Driver, Customer. But dont put index.html into any folder.
3) Common Usage and useful things
If you find anything in common create Enum factory and put them into that.Then call that enum in such controller.
Always use setMain Page to clear the stack
If you want to come back from a page use poppage dont again push the page. If you push it will added to same stack. It will leads to some other issue. Poppage will remove that page from the page stack.
Always use angular stuffs rather than JQuery.
Create a common ons-model in index.html to use whenever your want to disable user interaction with the application.
4) Common issues and workarounds Link coder : plugin issue ( when added some plugins, iOS have dependencies with non added plugings, so we have to add them too....)
Cannot accuare connection : set both the pc and mac's network connection to a one wifi
could not find developer disk image: xcode > project settings > Arachitectures > base sdk > set with mobile competible version.
could not find module xCode : go to mac find the the taco home and take the build file run it on xcode.
5) Precautions
Have a txt file with all your app information such as password and id you used to create android keystore. Take a copy of the keystore and back it up somewhere.
If anyone needs some help leave a comment.
Happy Coding. -Charitha-