I have two tables
I am logging all the transactions IN and OUT of inventory by lot's. Every lot that gets booked in/out from warehouse has it's own batch of serial numbers that get logged for every IN and OUT transaction.
Now I would like to get all the serial numbers that are still available in X warehouse. Basically I would like to achieve this:
SELECT serials FROM table_a where transaction_type=In
SELECT serials FROM table_a where transaction_type=Out
I have prepared two SQL fiddles:
Basically I would like to select all the serials that are still available in this warehouse. E.g. List A - List B.
Not sure if I understood correctly, you should be able to use NOT IN in your where-condition. http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/3a4ab/10
select IL.lot_id, ILS.serial_id
from inventory_lot_serials ILS
left join inventory_lots IL ON IL.id=ILS.inventory_lot_id
IL.type='In' and
AND ILS.serial_id NOT IN
(SELECT ILS.serial_id
from inventory_lot_serials ILS
left join inventory_lots IL ON IL.id=ILS.inventory_lot_id
IL.type='Out' and