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Should I use `DateTimeInterface` in my php project?

Recently, I discovered that there is a DateTimeInterface. As I was working with \DateTime and \DateTimeImmutable, I thought that it'd be good to typehint for.

Yet on the Changelog on it says that since 5.5.8:

Trying to implement DateTimeInterface raises a fatal error now. Formerly implementing the interface didn't raise an error, but the behavior was erroneous.

This reads that I never be able to implement my own CustomDateTime class implementing the DateTimeInterface, which seems rather odd.

Should I use the DateTimeInterface in my userland code?

My gut feeling tells me not to. Yet it also doesn't feel right to typehint the object, i.e.

@var \DateTime|\DateTimeImmutable|\MyCustomDateTime


  • You can use the DateTimeInterface typehint when you expect either one of the native DateTime variants, e.g. \DateTime or \DateTimeImmutable.

    But as the docs say

    It is not possible to implement this interface with userland classes.

    So if you plan to implement \DateTimeInterface with your own implementation, this will not work, e.g.

    class MyDateTime implements \DateTimeInterface {} // will raise an error

    However, you can create your own interface and adapt the native DateTime classes.

    interface MyDateTime { /* some methods */ }
    class NativeDateTime implements MyDateTime 
        private $dateTime;
        public function __construct($args = 'now') {
            $this->dateTime = new \DateTimeImmutable($args);
       /* some methods */

    Or you can extend the native DateTime variants, which will then implement the DateTimeInterface obviously, e.g.

    class MyDateTime extends \DateTimeImmutable 
        /* your modifications */
    var_dump(new MyDateTime instanceof \DateTimeInterface); // true

    Details why you cannot implement your own classes implementing \DateTimeInterface:

    tl;dr core functions that accept DateTime and DateTimeImmutable (DateTimeInterface basically) operate directly on timelib structures hence they will break if you pass them a user-defined class. There's a workaround though - it's to always call user-defined class's method directly from built-in functions, so if you would call (new DateTime())->diff(new UserDefinedDateTime()) it would call UserDefinedDateTime#diff in the end which would need to implement the logic.