I have been using RSA keys with in my application. I have used the following code to convert RSA key from OpenSSL to OpenSSH format. It worked perfectly for RSA key. Now I want to support DSA keys. But my conversion code doesn't work for DSA keys. What modification do I need to make it to work with DSA keys?
$private_key = openssl_pkey_get_private($rsaKey);
$public_key = sshEncodePublicKey($private_key);
echo "RSA public key in OpenSSH format:\n$pubKey\n\n";
function sshEncodePublicKey($privKey)
$keyInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($privKey);
$buffer = pack("N", 7) . "ssh-rsa" .
sshEncodeBuffer($keyInfo['rsa']['e']) .
return "ssh-rsa " . base64_encode($buffer);
function sshEncodeBuffer($buffer)
$len = strlen($buffer);
if (ord($buffer[0]) & 0x80) {
$buffer = "\x00" . $buffer;
return pack("Na*", $len, $buffer);
The definition of a dsa key is fundamentally different from that of rsa keys. There ist no 'exponent' (the number you're accessing with $keyInfo['rsa']['e']
and no n
Because your code parses the key and reencodes it, this won't succeed with dsa keys. Instead, openssl_pkey_get_details
gives you a completely different array of elements, as specified in the manual.
To convert this, use the following code:
function sshEncodePublicKey($privKey)
$keyInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($privKey);
$buffer = pack("N", 7) . "ssh-dss" .
sshEncodeBuffer($keyInfo['dsa']['p']) .
sshEncodeBuffer($keyInfo['dsa']['q']) .
sshEncodeBuffer($keyInfo['dsa']['g']) .
return "ssh-dss " . base64_encode($buffer);
Of course, your code should decide which type of key it is, but I think i can leave this to you.
Please also note that PHP has the function openssl_pkey_get_public, which is more suitable. I used this to test the above code (I simply replaced your first 4 lines with $public_key = sshEncodePublicKey(openssl_pkey_get_public('file://ssl.pub'));