Search code examples

Upload image in imageview inside collectionView using sdwebimage

I have to show image in imageView using SDWebImage

Here is my code:

NSString *string2 = [[dataArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row ]valueForKey:@"logo"];

[imagev sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]
                  placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:string2]
                         completed:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, NSURL *imageURL) {
                             imagev.image = image;

I am not getting any image inside ImageView

data I am getting from the server is

data array (
        address = brisbane;
        amount = 0;
        "business_phone" = 9990688436;
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        city = delhi;
        contactperson = "Gautam Kumar";
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        paystatus1 = 1;
        "prod_name" = 13;
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        shortdesc = hello123;
        state = "New South Wales";
        status = 1;
        tags = "";
        "tb_address" = "";
        title = aayush;
        transcationid1 = "";
        "tw_address" = "";
        userid = 5;
        username = "Gautam Kumar";
        "var_name" = 56;
        "web_address" = "";
        address = "Address 1";
        amount = 0;
        "business_phone" = 9990688436;
        catid = 0;
        catname = "";
        city = ABD;
        contactperson = "Gautam Kumar";
        country = Australia;
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        shortdesc = "This is short Description.";
        state = Gisborne;
        status = 1;
        tags = "";
        "tb_address" = "";
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        transcationid1 = "";
        "tw_address" = "";
        userid = 5;
        username = "Gautam Kumar";
        "var_name" = 0;
        "web_address" = "";
        address = "Paschim Vihar ,Delhi";
        amount = 0;
        "business_phone" = 9990688436;
        catid = 0;
        catname = "";
        city = "New Delhi";
        contactperson = "Gautam Kumar";
        country = Australia;
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        email = "";
        expirydays = 356;
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        "fb_address" = Facebook;
        id = 72;
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        address = Laxminagar;
        amount = 0;
        "business_phone" = 9990688436;
        catid = 0;
        catname = "";
        city = "New Delhi1";
        contactperson = "Gautam Kumar";
        country = Australia;
        createdon = 1463651418;
        email = "";
        expirydays = 7;
        expirymail = 0;
        "fb_address" = Facebook;
        id = 61;
        "inst_address" = Instagram;
        isexpired = 0;
        isfeatured = 0;
        lat = "28.6433";
        "link_address" = linked;
        lng = "77.0363";
        logo = "Screenshot_(1)_0ba.png";
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        officephone = "";
        ondedaysmail = 0;
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        "pt_address" = Pinsta;
        sevendaysmail = 0;
        shortdesc = xasxasx;
        state = Victoria;
        status = 1;
        tags = "";
        "tb_address" = Tumbler;
        title = "Testing by Gautam";
        transcationid1 = 1111111111111;
        "tw_address" = Twitter;
        userid = 5;
        username = "Gautam Kumar";
        "var_name" = 2;
        "web_address" = Website;


  • Aayush Katiyar,

    From iOS 8 onwards you are not supposed to use http you should make use of secure channels https. In case you dont have one consider adding these to your plist


    All your image download api is making use of http:// I guess that might be the issue here

    Finally change the way you load the image as

    [imagev sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",@"", string2]]
                      placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Some_Placeholder_Image"]
                             completed:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, NSURL *imageURL) {
                                 imagev.image = image;