My goal is to create dynamic relationships with timestamp stored as property of the relationship. So, 2 nodes may have many relationships with the same label but different property values.
I can achieve that using Cypher by the following:
(s1:Node {name:'s1'}),
However, I cannot find the same way to do that using Py2neo. I tried this:
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
graph = Graph(password='neo4jneo4j')
s1 = Node('Node', name='s1')
s2 = Node('Node', name='s2')
aw = Relationship(s1, 'CONNECTS_TO', s2, from=456)
aw2 = Relationship(s1, 'CONNECTS_TO', s2, from=1234)
The code above doesn't create two relationships. Instead, the latter one updates the former one.
How can I do it using Py2neo?
This is not possible with the py2neo Node
and Relationship
objects. You'll have to use Cypher to create multiple similar relationships like this.