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EXC_BREAKPOINT CODE=1 Runtime Exception

For some odd reason, I am getting the "EXC_BREAKPOINT CODE=1" runtime exception whenever I run this code:

var positionX: CGFloat = CGFloat(UInt32(width) + arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self.frame.width - 2.0 * width)))

Can someone tell me why this is? I am at a loss with how to fix this.


  • The issue could be self.frame.width - width could be a negative number which will try to cast to UInt32 which will break. You may want to debug those 2 values and check before force casting to UInt32. There could also be a problem with whatever property/parameter is applied to the result of this formula.

    Also, if just width was a negative number the UInt32(width) would fail as well.