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Showing Neurolabs Weights/Bias for each node?

Is there a simple way to show the bias or weight for each property that I feed into a ANN developed using neurolab after it has already been trained?


  • Yes you can see all the layer's weights and biases. through using

    net.layers[i].np['w'] for weights

    net.layers[i].np['b'] for biases

    To change them manually yourself you just have to use [:] added to the end and set them to a numpy array.

    here's a sample test code that i used on a simple network with 3 layers (1 input layer, 1 hidden layer and 1 output layer).

    import neurolab as nl
    import numpy as np
    net =[[0,1]] * 3, [4,2])"")
    net = nl.load("")
    # show layer weights and biases
    for i in range(0,len(net.layers)):
        print "Net layer", i
        print net.layers[i].np['w']
        print "Net bias", i
        print net.layers[i].np['b']
    #try setting layer weights
    net.layers[0].np['w'][:] = np.array ([[0,1,2],  
    # show layer weights and biases 
    for i in range(0,len(net.layers)):
        print "Net layer", i
        print net.layers[i].np['w']
        print "Net bias", i
        print net.layers[i].np['b']