Is there a simple way to show the bias or weight for each property that I feed into a ANN developed using neurolab after it has already been trained?
Yes you can see all the layer's weights and biases. through using
for weights
for biases
To change them manually yourself you just have to use [:]
added to the end and set them to a numpy array.
here's a sample test code that i used on a simple network with 3 layers (1 input layer, 1 hidden layer and 1 output layer).
import neurolab as nl
import numpy as np
net =[[0,1]] * 3, [4,2])"")
net = nl.load("")
# show layer weights and biases
for i in range(0,len(net.layers)):
print "Net layer", i
print net.layers[i].np['w']
print "Net bias", i
print net.layers[i].np['b']
#try setting layer weights
net.layers[0].np['w'][:] = np.array ([[0,1,2],
# show layer weights and biases
for i in range(0,len(net.layers)):
print "Net layer", i
print net.layers[i].np['w']
print "Net bias", i
print net.layers[i].np['b']