When loading a screen in FaceUp Orientation I need to know the angle of the iPhone.
The iPhone is flat on the table but I just need to know if it is in vertical or horizontal position.
I can't use StatusBarOrientation since I have fixed orientation. The orientation of the status bar is always the same
This may be a good time to use CoreMotion. Looks like reading CoreMotionRate may give you what you want:
From the docs:
* CMRotationRate
* Discussion:
* A structure containing 3-axis rotation rate data.
* Fields:
* x:
* X-axis rotation rate in radians/second. The sign follows the right hand
* rule (i.e. if the right hand is wrapped around the X axis such that the
* tip of the thumb points toward positive X, a positive rotation is one
* toward the tips of the other 4 fingers).
* y:
* Y-axis rotation rate in radians/second. The sign follows the right hand
* rule (i.e. if the right hand is wrapped around the Y axis such that the
* tip of the thumb points toward positive Y, a positive rotation is one
* toward the tips of the other 4 fingers).
* z:
* Z-axis rotation rate in radians/second. The sign follows the right hand
* rule (i.e. if the right hand is wrapped around the Z axis such that the
* tip of the thumb points toward positive Z, a positive rotation is one
* toward the tips of the other 4 fingers).
Quick example of how to get these values:
private lazy var motionManager: CMMotionManager = {
return CMMotionManager()
func recordMotion() {
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue(opQueue, withHandler: { (deviceMotion, error) in
if let motion = deviceMotion {