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How to get the softlayer_ticket id after calling SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelItem(...)

I use SoftLayer API PHP library to call SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelItem(...) or SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelService() to cancel the item. I noticed there will be SoftLayer ticket generated on the SoftLayer customer portal after the SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelItem(...) or SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelService() call.

The API returned result of SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelItem(...) or SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelService() doesn't contain the result SoftLayer_Ticket information.

How can I use API to get the SoftLayer_Ticket Id value associated with the SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelItem(...) or SoftLayer_billing_Item.cancelService() .

Is there any same php file I can use ?


  • You can use the next objectMask in your code:

    // Reference to the SL API client (It depends on your path installation) 
    require_once ('C:\softlayer-api-php-client-master\src\SoapClient.php');
    require_once ('C:\softlayer-api-php-client-master\src\Common\ObjectMask.php');
    // Set these values with your valid information.
    $username = 'set me';
    $apiKey = 'set me';
    $service = 'SoftLayer_Billing_Item';
    // Set your billing item Id.
    $billingItemId = 7883593;
    // The client instantiation.
    $client = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient($service, $billingItemId, $username, $apiKey);
    // The next lines belong to the creation of an object mask that retrieves aditional data
    // contained in the objects retrieved.
    $objectMask = new \SoftLayer\Common\ObjectMask();
        // Retrieving the configuration options for a SoftLayer_Hardware object.
        $cancellation_request = $client->getCancellationRequests();
    catch (\Exception $e) 
        // Displaying if an error happened.
        die('Script failed, review the next message for further details: ' . $e->getMessage());

    You can use the same objectMask in the same way for methods such as SoftLayer_Account::getLastCanceledBillingItem or SoftLayer::getLastCancelledServerBillingItem