When invoking a BoxStarter package, I use a powershell line such as:
Install-BoxstarterPackage -Package $script
I would like to pass some command line arguments into the package, but this does not seem to be supported.
Some relevant discussion: https://github.com/mwrock/boxstarter/issues/5 An issue about a fix that does not seem to exist: https://github.com/mwrock/boxstarter/issues/66
I ended up "cheating" and setting an environment variable before the package invocation like so:
$env:BoxstarterFoo = "Some Value"
Install-BoxstarterPackage -Package $script
Which makes $env:BoxstarterFoo available from within the package. This does not seem optimal. Is there a better way to pass information from an installation script into a boxstarter install right now, or is a workaround such as using environment variables required?
I'm afraid that is likely the best workaround currently available.