I hope that this kind of question is welcome here (found user-interface in the tags). If not, please excuse me !
I have a TableViewController on top of the workflow:
In my setup, this controller is use to update/add rows:
When the image on the right is tapped, a collection-view is shown and you have to select a new image:
I hope you can give me hints on how to proceed (perhaps with some code-snippet)
How can I "mark" the images in the SetupViewController on the right, so that the user recognizes, that he/she should tap on image to select another one (i.e the question mark when adding a record) ?
I think the simplest solution would be to either have the image be a + (plus sign) or have the image be an image with the text "add image" on it. Those two are the easiest ways to intuitively inform the user that they should tap to add an image.