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How can I use the Angular $http service to retrieve simple data from the MongoDB REST API?

I have a simple MongoDB that stores temporary dummy data that is accessible company-wide.

I can successfully query the data via the following:


        function getServersComplete(response) {
           var test =;
           //do stuff

        function getServersFailed(error) {
           $log.error('XHR Failed for getServers.\n' + angular.toJson(, true));

My problem is that Mongo's REST interface is expecting the query parameter jsonp=my_callback while Angular's $http service is expecting the query parameter callback=JSON_CALLBACK. Angular then translates JSON_CALLBACK into its own function, in this case angular.callbacks._0 (but if there were more callbacks on the page, it would be angular.callbacks._1, angular.callbacks._2, etc.). How can I tell Mongo which callback Angular has dynamically created?


  • I implemented the jsonpInterceptor as described here: How to Custom Set AngularJS JSONP Callback Name

    .factory('jsonpInterceptor', function($timeout, $window, $q) {
     return {
    'request': function(config) {
      if (config.method === 'JSONP') {
        var callbackId = angular.callbacks.counter.toString(36);
        config.callbackName = 'angular_callbacks_' + callbackId;
        config.url = config.url.replace('JSON_CALLBACK', config.callbackName);
        $timeout(function() {
          $window[config.callbackName] = angular.callbacks['_' + callbackId];
        }, 0, false);
      return config;
    'response': function(response) {
      var config = response.config;
      if (config.method === 'JSONP') {
        delete $window[config.callbackName]; // cleanup
      return response;
    'responseError': function(rejection) {
      var config = rejection.config;
      if (config.method === 'JSONP') {
        delete $window[config.callbackName]; // cleanup
      return $q.reject(rejection);

    His Plunker