I am making a calculator for a game.
I usually first make sure the code is working in C++, and then convert it to the desired language. I had made this program. In this program, some of the times, optDura stores the correct value and other times, it stores garbage.
Here is the code :-
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
cd - current Durability
se - smith efficiency in decimal
sc - smith charges in decimal
sE - smith efficiency in %
sC - smith charges in %
ic - initial cost
md - maximum durability
tmd - temporary maximum durability
tD - temporary durability
td - total durability
rc - repair cost
cpb - cost per battle
int main(){
long int currDura, maxDura, tempMaxDura, tempDura, totDura, optDura;
double iniCost, repCost;
long int smithEffi, smithCharge;
double se, sc;
double totCostTillNow, costPerBattle = 0, minCPB;
int i;
long int repCount = 1;
iniCost = 25500;
currDura = 58;
maxDura = 59;
repCost = 27414;
se = 0.90;
sc = 0.85;
tempMaxDura = maxDura;
tempDura = currDura;
totDura = tempDura;
totCostTillNow = iniCost;
costPerBattle = totCostTillNow / totDura;
minCPB = costPerBattle;
cout<<"\n Cost without any repair = "<<costPerBattle;
for(i=1; i<=maxDura; i++)
totCostTillNow += (double) repCost * sc;
tempDura = tempMaxDura * se;
totDura += tempDura;
costPerBattle = (double) (totCostTillNow / totDura);
tempMaxDura -= 1;
if ( minCPB >= costPerBattle )
minCPB = costPerBattle;
optDura = tempMaxDura;
cout<<"\n Minimum cost per battle = "<<minCPB<<" & sell at 0/"<<optDura;
return 0;
The problem occurs when repCost is >= 27414. For values less than that, it gives the desired result. I am unable to figure out why this is happening.
Thanks a lot
If you rewrite to intialise your variables instead of using the "declare and assign" anti-"pattern" (I also removed unused variables):
int main(){
long int currDura = 58;
long int maxDura = 59;
long int tempMaxDura = maxDura;
long int tempDura = currDura;
long int totDura = tempDura;
long int optDura;
double iniCost = 25500;
double repCost = 27414;
double se = 0.90;
double sc = 0.85;
double totCostTillNow = iniCost;
double costPerBattle = totCostTillNow / totDura;
double minCPB = costPerBattle;
cout<<"\n Cost without any repair = "<<costPerBattle;
for(int i=1; i<=maxDura; i++)
totCostTillNow += repCost * sc;
tempDura = tempMaxDura * se;
totDura += tempDura;
costPerBattle = totCostTillNow / totDura;
tempMaxDura -= 1;
if ( minCPB >= costPerBattle )
minCPB = costPerBattle;
optDura = tempMaxDura;
cout<<"\n Minimum cost per battle = "<<minCPB<<" & sell at 0/"<<optDura;
return 0;
then optDura
sticks out as the only one missing initialisation.
The only time it's assigned a value is if minCPB >= costPerBattle
, so if that condition never holds you're left with an indeterminate value.
Initialise it to something sensible.