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Stuttering effects during scroll using android Picasso or Glide

I tried both image frameworks Picasso and Glide to load images from SD and display them in ReceyclerView's list item's ImageView. The ReceyclerView list contains around 50 items and more.

Whenever I scroll down the list, the sroll movement is not fluent and sometimes starts stuttering which worsen the UX in my opinion. I only load images from disc (SD) inside a Fragment.

For Picasso I used following code:

    .load(Constants.ABS_PATH_USER_IMAGE + user.getPicture() + ".jpg")
    .resize(100, 100)
    .transform(new CircleTransform())

The Picasso ScrollListener looks like:

public class PicassoOnScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {
public static final Object TAG = new Object();
private static final int SETTLING_DELAY = 500;

private static Picasso sPicasso = null;
private Runnable mSettlingResumeRunnable = null;

public PicassoOnScrollListener(Context context) {
    if(this.sPicasso == null) {
        this.sPicasso = Picasso.with(context.getApplicationContext());

public void onScrollStateChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView, int scrollState) {
    if(scrollState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {

    } else if(scrollState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING) {
        mSettlingResumeRunnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

        recyclerView.postDelayed(mSettlingResumeRunnable, SETTLING_DELAY);

    } else {

To add ScrollListener to the ReceyclerView I did following:

myRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(new PicassoOnScrollListener(getContext()));

For Glide I simply used follwong code sample:

    .load(Constants.ABS_PATH_USER_IMAGE + author.getPicture() + ".jpg")
    .transform(new GlideCircleTransform(mActivity.getApplicationContext()))

Have you got any ideas how to achieve a smooth scroll movement?


  • Try to use


    in imageView in layout