I am trying to use inMemory database (using ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite.Windows) for unit testing in servicestack based web api. i created a table to insert into inmemory database using the existing Model class.The model class, table creation and insertion codes are as follows
public class Market
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Available { get; set; }
public int AvailableSalesEvent { get; set; }
public int AvailableTotal { get; set; }
public int? MinCustomerBuy { get; set; }
var market = new Market()
Available = 10,
AvailableTotal = 0,
AvailableSalesEvent = 2,
MinCustomerBuy = 10
we are computing the AvailableTotal field value in our SqlServer while creating the Market table using the expression as follows,
[AvailableTotal] AS (isnull([Available]+[AvailableSalesEvent],(0)))
when i try to insert the above market object to the InMemory Database through unit test, i was getting following Exception
OneTimeSetUp: System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException : constraint failed NOT NULL constraint failed: Market.AvailableTotal
i found out exception is a result of [Compute] attribute of Market Class, and got suggestions to replace it with [Compute, ServiceStack.DataAnnotations.Ignore], when i did the change InMemory Database tests are working fine but when i tested it through live database,even though the AvailableTotal value is computed and Updated in DB it is ignored and value 0 is assigned while returning response.
is there any way to define this AvailableTotal Field Expression while creating table in InMemory Database keeping the [Compute] attribute as it is to over come this Exception?
You can temporarily disable the computed behavior with:
var fieldDef = typeof(Market).GetModelMetadata()
.GetFieldDefinition<Market>(x => x.AvailableTotal);
fieldDef.IsComputed = false;
fieldDef.IsComputed = true;