Search code examples

Restangular OneToOne connection

At #/dossiers/{id}/offertes of my client application
I need to get my dossier from rest api/dossiers/{id}.
Then on that dossier I need to get the corresponding offerte api/dossiers/{id}/offerte
From that I will get my offerteRecords api/offertes/{id2}/records

I wil include my REST data here

The first dossier is no problem.

    (dossier: any): void => {
        this.dossier = dossier;

But then from that I want to get my second dossier. I'm able to do it like this:

restService.getOneUrl("offertes", this.dossier._links.offerte.href).then(
    (offerte: any): void => {
        this.parent = offerte;
        console.log("offerte is ", this.parent);

And this gives me

Object {id: 1, createdBy: "system", createdOn: "2016-05-17T14:24:43.384+0000", updatedBy: null, updatedOn: null…}

But I want to do it something like

            (offerte: any):void =>{
                console.log("offerte is ", offerte);

But this returns

[route: "offerte", reqParams: null, restangularized: true, fromServer: true, parentResource: Object…]

How should I call on this object instead of getList()?


  • I've found a partial solution to my problem.
    In my restangular configuration there was this pre-defined when I got the project.

    restangularProvider.addResponseInterceptor(function(data: any, operation: string, what: string,
                                                        url: string, response: any,
                                                        deferred: any): any {
        let result: any = data;
        if (operation === 'getList') {
            if (data._embedded !== undefined) {
                result = data._embedded[what];
            } else {
                result = [];
        return result;

    This made the wonky formatting on my received data compared to the getOneUrl.
    This was done because restangular always wants an array to input to getList.
    I could solve this by writing some certain of custom wrapper that satisfies the requirements of getList but the easiest/fastest solution to do what I want is use the customGET();

            (offerte: any):void =>{
                console.log("offerte is ", offerte);

    This returns the correct offerte object.