Here, i have the string....
$string = "Modern Country Kitchen";
I want split that string Word by Word wiht provision min 2 word, i want result like this...
$string1 = "Modern Country";
$string2 = "Country Kitchen";
$string3 = "Modern Kitchen";
How the logic code to make it be, what the php function should i used...?
So far my logic only be explode the string using explode() function..
So, let's start with a way to retrieve every combination/permutation of an array:
function getAllCombinations(array $input)
if (count($input) > 0)
foreach (getAllCombinations(array_slice($input, 1)) as $combination)
foreach (array_keys($input) as $index) {
yield array_merge(
array_slice($combination, 0, $index),
array_slice($combination, $index)
yield $input;
See it work here:
php > foreach (getAllCombinations2([1, 2]) as $combination) {
php { var_dump($combination);
php { }
array(2) {
array(2) {
php >
Now we need to turn our input string into an array (you're right about explode()
$string = "Modern Country Kitchen";
$words = explode(" ", $string);
Now it looks like this:
php > var_dump($words);
array(3) {
string(6) "Modern"
string(7) "Country"
string(7) "Kitchen"
So, now we can get an array of all combinations of these three words:
$wordCombinations = iterator_to_array(getAllCombinations($words));
php > var_dump(iterator_to_array(getAllCombinations2($words)));
array(6) {
array(3) {
string(6) "Modern"
string(7) "Country"
string(7) "Kitchen"
Now, let's convert the combinations back into strings:
$combinations = array_map(function ($words) {
return implode(" ", $words);
}, $wordCombinations);
Now let's look at our end result:
php > var_dump($combinations);
array(6) {
string(22) "Modern Country Kitchen"
string(22) "Country Modern Kitchen"
string(22) "Country Kitchen Modern"
string(22) "Modern Kitchen Country"
string(22) "Kitchen Modern Country"
string(22) "Kitchen Country Modern"
php > var_dump($combinations[0]);
string(22) "Modern Country Kitchen"