I've been assigned a project to determine the square root of a number without using division or the math.h library. Upon doing my own research I've decided to tackle the problem by using the bisection method. I used the pseudo code portion from the Bisection Wikipedia page:
to setup the algorithm.
My Code
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
void __attribute__((weak)) check(double alt_sqrt(double));
//default check function - definition may be changed - will not be graded
void __attribute__((weak)) check(double alt_sqrt(double))
if(alt_sqrt(123456789.0) == sqrt(123456789.0))cout << "PASS\n";
else cout << "FAIL\n";
//change this definition - will be graded by a different check function
double my_sqrt(double x)
int i = 0;
double a = 0.0; // Lower Bound
double b = x + 1; // Upper Bound
double c = 0.0; // Guess for square root
double error = 0.00001;
double fc = 0.0;
while(i < 10000)
c = (a+b)*0.5;
fc = c * c - x;
if(abs(fc) < error || (b-a)*0.5 < error) // Check for solution
cout << "Square root is: " << c << endl;
if(fc < 0) // Setup new interval
a = c;
cout << "a is: " << a << endl;
else b = c;
cout << "b is: " << b << endl;
return c;
//Do not change this function
int main()
return 0;
The output I am currently getting for my professor's test case in main is
Square root is: 1.23457e+08
When the correct output should be
Square root is: 11,111.11106
I believe that I am going wrong in the way that I setup my new intervals. My thinking is that if the difference between the two values is negative, then I need to push the lower bound up, and if the difference is positive, then I need to bump the upper bound down.
I would appreciate any advice y'all could give me. Thank you for your time.
The condition fb - fa < 0
is wrong because ignoring floating-point errors, fa < fb
, which is a * a - x < b * b < x
will be always true for 0 <= a < b
Changing the condition to fc < 0
improved the accuracy, but unfortunately this improvement coundl't make the program print "PASS". To improve the accuracy to have the program print "PASS", delete the harmful breaking part
if(abs(fc) < error || (b-a)*0.5 < error) // Check for solution
cout << "Square root is: " << c << endl;
Removing this harmful breaking and adding the line
cout << "Square root is: " << c << endl;
just before
return c;
gave me
Square root is: 11111.1
but unfortunately this is not what you want. To have what you want printed,
#include <iomanip>
should be added and the printing part should be
cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << "Square root is: " << c << endl;