I am creating a game and I am trying to keep a record of all enemy's killed but my SKLabel node is not updating. Here's how I'm implementing it
class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
var Enemy1KillCounter:Int = 0
var Enemy1KillCounterLabel = SKLabelNode ()
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
func createEnemyKilledLabel() {
Enemy1KillCounterLabel.text = "\(Enemy1KillCounter)"
Enemy1KillCounterLabel.fontSize = 65
Enemy1KillCounterLabel.fontColor = SKColor .blackColor()
Enemy1KillCounterLabel.position = CGPointMake(400, 400)
func updateEnemy1KillCounter() {
Enemy1KillCounter = Enemy1KillCounter + 1
// I use the next method because i call this method in my enemy class
when the enemy is "killed"
func Enemy1DieG () {
Does anybody know why my label is not being updated?
When you update Enemy1KillCounter
, you also need to update the Enemy1KillCounterLabel.text
with the new value. Besides, I don't see where your createEnemyKilledLabel()
is called. Make sure it is called somewhere.
A side note - variable names typically start with lowercase, like enemy1KillCounterLabel
. Following the standards makes the code easier to read by others...