I have website baker that has CK Editor. I want to have images automatically have the class "img-responsive" if no classes are inserted. How? Can i Do that
I cant find a dictionary of this http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Howto/Default_Field_Values what names are every input and so on? and the html source wont show that.
I had the same problem long time ago. I probably copy-pasted most of the code and I did some minor modification by myself. Its a bit long code, which add img-responsive
class to all added images.
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) {
//resp. images for bootstrap 3
$: function(element) {
// Output dimensions of images as width and height
if (element.name == 'img') {
var style = element.attributes.style;
//responzive images
//declare vars
var tclass = "";
var add_class = false;
tclass = element.attributes.class;
//console.log(typeof (tclass));
if (tclass === "undefined" || typeof (tclass) === "undefined") {
add_class = true;
} else {
//console.log("I am not undefined");
if (tclass.indexOf("img-responsive") == -1) {
add_class = true;
if (add_class) {
var rclass = (tclass === undefined || typeof (tclass) === "undefined" ? "img-responsive" : tclass + " " + "img-responsive");
element.attributes.class = rclass;
if (style) {
// Get the width from the style.
var match = /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec(style),
width = match && match[1];
// Get the height from the style.
match = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec(style);
var height = match && match[1];
if (width) {
element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace(/(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i, '');
element.attributes.width = width;
if (height) {
element.attributes.style = element.attributes.style.replace(/(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i, '');
element.attributes.height = height;
if (!element.attributes.style)
delete element.attributes.style;
return element;