How do I show the uploaded image (associated) when editing the form? I tried to display like so:
= image_tag f.img.url if f.img.url?
= f.input :item
= f.file_field :img
= link_to_remove_association "remove item", f
Where it should display if there's a .url
but I get this error:
undefined local variable or method 'img' #<SimpleForm::FormBuilder:0x007ff0eff8aee8>
= simple_form_for @model, html: {multipart: true} do |f|
= f.simple_fields_for :items do |m|
= render 'item_fields', f: m
= link_to_add_association 'add item', f, :items
= f.button :submit
In my show.haml, I have this
- @model.items.each do |m|
- if m.img
= image_tag m.img.url
- else
no image
this shows the image correctly.
I find this works: Inside the form use f.object
to get the underlying object to build the correct url for the image_tag
image_tag f.object.img.url
I'd post a reference, but it's not well documented. There's a bit of a discussion here.