I have JMeter setup on Jenkins. I am running some performance test with it. On Jenkins, I have setup the TestLink plugin. On JMeter, I have 'View Results Tree' tree setup, and export the results to a xml file. With the results with the following format:
<testResults version="1.2">
<httpSample t="81" lt="81" ts="1463588977147" s="true" lb="Unit_EdgeSpanTest_transmission-submit_Case1" rc="200" rm="OK" tn="CinemaCMSAPITest 1-1" dt="text" by="382">
<name>Response Assertion-ResponseCode</name>
<name>Response Assertion-TextResponse</name>
Now I have problem get JMeter results report back to testLink. Googled, not much resource out there tell me what to do. I could only find one resource from Jenkins:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Integrating+TestLink++Jenkins++JMeter
But it did not help much. I am not using Ant...
Does anyone has successfully made this work? And could give me some hint of what to do?
Thank you very much in advance!
I followed the instruction described in the question to configure the testLink, JMeter, and Jenkins. Just with one problem: I first tried to use the script from the link above, but it seems always returned the wrong result. I wrote a simple java script to transform JMeter XML test result file to TAP format. Except that the link from the question is a good instruction to follow to setup the integration between JMeter/Jenkins/TestLink:
To summarize:
From Jenkins:
Create a project > Configure:
From TestLink:
From JMeter:
Have a script transform JMeter Test result from xml format to Tap format.
In the link from the question, it has a script for doing that, and I also attached a simple script wrote in Java for transforming JMeter Result xml file to TAP file in java: https://github.com/yueran/jmeterResult_xmlToTap