I'm doing a text based game for a school project and I see myself stuck with a quite stupid problem. The concept is simple, there's a map, a player, some monsters and some items. For the map data structure I decided to use a 2d array of char's that have a unicode for content. On top of this, I have a camera, which has a radius. The player never moves on screen, it has a x and y, but what has motion on screen is the camera itself. This works quite fine except when I get to the corners or any outside wall. I get my camera doing this
int size = cameraSize/2;
int top = player.GetY() - size, bottom = player.GetY() + size;
char[,] camera = new char[cameraSize, cameraSize];
for (int i = top; i < bottom; i++)
for (int j = top; j < bottom; j++)
camera[i, j] = map.ReMapPosition(i, j);
My 'cameraSize' is declared on the beginning of the class and is filled when the constructor is called
private int cameraSize;
cameraSize = difficulty.GetCameraSize();
The class 'difficulty' is irrelevant for my problem. My problem itself is that I can't make the player positioned on the center when I get to the border walls as there is nothing to get from the array, since these are negative positions.
There are two approaches to this sort of problem.
1) In your loop, check if a value if out of range and output the value by hand.
2) Wrap your array in a custom class which ignores out of range values.
Something like this:
class MyWrapper
private readonly char[,] data;
public MyWrapper(char[,] data)
private bool InRange(int x, int y)
return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < data.GetLength(0) && y < data.GetLength(1);
public char this[int x, int y]
return InRange(x,y) ? data[x,y] : ' ';
if(InRange(x,y)) data[x,y] = value;
My recommendation is for set to throw an exception when called on out of range values, but my example swallows the failure instead.