My agency is building filtering controls for a blog deployment on Pimcore and we are trying to filter the posts by a given YYYY-MM combination. We have filtering working for author objects and subject objects.
Here is the code block in our controller applying the filters and returning posts...
// Pagination page...
$page = (int)$this->getParam("page") < 1 ? 1 : (int)$this->getParam("page");
// Results per page...
$rpp = (int)$this->document->getProperty( 'resultsPerPage' ) < 1 ? 1 : (int)$this->document->getProperty( 'resultsPerPage' );
// Return list of posts...
$list = new Object\BlogArticle\Listing();
// Apply author filter...
if( $this->getParam( 'filter-by' ) == 'author' ) {
$list->setCondition( 'author LIKE ?', "%,".(int)$this->getParam( 'author' ).",%" );
// Apply category filter...
if( $this->getParam( 'filter-by' ) == 'category' ) {
$list->setCondition( 'categories LIKE ?', "%,".(int)$this->getParam( 'category' ).",%" );
// This isn't working!
if( $this->getParam( 'filter-by' ) == 'archive' ) {
$list->setCondition( "DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(date), '%Y-%m') = ".$list->quote( $this->getParam( 'archive' ) ) );
// Order by date...
$list->setOrderKey( "date" );
$list->setOrder( $this->document->getProperty( 'resultsSort' ) == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc' );
// Apply pagination values...
$list->setLimit( $rpp );
$list->setOffset( ( $page - 1 ) * $rpp );
// Do it!
$this->view->blog = $list->getObjects();
The $this->getParam( 'archive' )
equals something along the lines of 2016-06
. The Zend DateTime object is bound to the date
I've looked through the Pimcore documentation and I cannot find anything on how to query an object's DateTime field.
Your approach seems perfectly valid and it should work. There is just one mistake in the date function name. It should be FROM_UNIXTIME and not FROMUNIXTIME.