Currently I am in charge of developing a (C++) window class for a little project; the goal is to keep dependencies at a bare minimum. The implementation for Win32/WinAPI works as supposed, however, I am struggling when it comes to Linux/XCB.
I am aware, that I am able to check the "_NET_WM_STATE" property, however, the documentation doesn't specify any event, which would occur when the window is being maximized or minimized. The Extended Window Manager Hints specification doesn't seem to define a event either.
So, how would one intercept the Maximize/Minimize event?
EDIT: My code looks basically like that, but doesn't work: (By doesn't work, I mean the if-condition below is never met.)
// xcb_generic_event_t* msg;
// xcb_intern_atom_reply_t* wmStateMinimized;
xcb_property_notify_event_t* data{reinterpret_cast<xcb_property_notify_event_t*>(msg)};
if(data->atom == wmStateMinimized->atom)
} break;
I have also checked the atoms the event provides me. They differ from the atom provided by 'wmStateMinimized', altough the atom for 'wmStateMinimized' is provided by the window manager.
EDIT 2: Ok, the xcb_property_notify_event_t supplies the atom that has been change, not the value it self. So the if should look like this then:
if(data->atom == wmState->atom)
Gotta figure out, how to retrieve the value properly.
So, after 3 hours I finally figured it out. This solution snippet assumes, that you already have queried the atoms:
They are being stored in the following atoms:
xcb_atom_t wmState;
xcb_atom_t wmStateHidden;
xcb_atom_t wmStateMaxVert;
xcb_atom_t wmStateMaxHorz;
This snippet does as well assume, that you have specified
for the window, in order to actually get notified about property changes.
So, let's pretend we're in the Event Loop now:
xcb_property_notify_event_t* data{reinterpret_cast<xcb_property_notify_event_t*>(msg)};
if(data->atom == wmState){ // the WM_STATE property was changed.
// Now we need the value.
// Therefore I implemented an auxiliary function.
if(internal::getAtomValue(connection, window, wmState) == wmStateHidden)
// Handle Events here:
xcb_atom_t value{internal::getAtomValue(connection, window, wmState)};
if((value == wmStateMaxVert) || (value == wmStateMaxHorz))
// Handle Event here
} break;
The auxiliary function 'internal::getAtomValue' works as following:
xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie{xcb_get_property(connection, false, window, atom, XCB_ATOM_ATOM, 0, 32)};
xcb_generic_error_t* err{nullptr};
xcb_get_property_reply_t reply{xcb_get_property_reply(connection, cookie, &err);
xcb_atom_t* value{reinterpret_cast<xcb_atom_t*>(xcb_get_property_value(reply))};
I hope that this solution concept proof and correct. May it serve as an reference for everyone, who needs to work with XCB.
P.S.: These Snippets were stripped down from my original source. It might contain Typos.