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How to get stream object from kurento utils when using kurento java tutorial samples

Using kurento tutorials java samples. I Want to handle stream events like onended etc on the webrtcpeer object. Following is my sample code from where i want to fetch the stream object.

var options = {
           localVideo: video,
           mediaConstraints: constraints,
           onicecandidate: participant.onIceCandidate.bind(participant)

var peer = new kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendonly(options, function(error) {
           if (error) {
               return console.error(error);

I want to handle events in a way similar to as mentions in this question

How should I proceed? Please Help


  • You can bind to those events two ways

    • Passing a onstreamended listener in the options bag

      var options = {
             localVideo: video,
             mediaConstraints: constraints,
             onicecandidate: participant.onIceCandidate.bind(participant),
             onstreamended: myOnStreamEnded,
    • Accessing directly the RTCPeerConnection object wrapped inside the WebRtcPeer, and binding to events directly.

      var rtcPeerConnection = peer.peerConnection

    The latter gives you full access to the peer connection object, so you can work as if you would with that object.