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How to customize nticks in persp R

I am new to R 3D plotting. I basically have a matrix of size 9x3. Here is what I have to plot them:

###loads the above matrix
d2 <- read.csv("data.csv", header=T, dec=".",sep = " ")
###loads x,y,z
x <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
y <- c(3,4,10)
z <- as.matrix(d2)

persp(x, y, z,
  zlab="Score", ylab = "C", xlab="T",
  theta=40, phi=-5, ylim=c(3,10), xlim=c(2,10), 
  nticks = 5, ticktype = "detailed",  
  col="springgreen", shade=0.5)

Everything is fine except that I am not happy with the ticks on the axes.

Is there a way to force the nticks for x, and y, and z?

For example, is there a way to do something like x.nticks=5 , y.nticks=2, z.nticks=7?

Edit: dput(d2) output:

structure(list(X571.4711426 = c(415.0601344, 398.2104115, 392.3533142, 
389.1941271, 388.099164, 387.919963, 387.8443483, 387.808006, 
387.8046256), X569.3318221 = c(412.6845238, 396.1001583, 390.6924488, 
387.7928128, 386.7903531, 386.6250436, 386.549898, 386.5178556, 
386.5147072), X564.8071975 = c(408.1278631, 392.3859494, 387.5985228, 
384.9989269, 384.0664302, 383.9174889, 383.8442499, 383.8178535, 
383.8151726)), .Names = c("X571.4711426", "X569.3318221", "X564.8071975"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L))


  • d2 <- structure(list(X571.4711426 = c(415.0601344, 398.2104115, 392.3533142, 
                                          389.1941271, 388.099164, 387.919963, 387.8443483, 387.808006, 
                                          387.8046256), X569.3318221 = c(412.6845238, 396.1001583, 390.6924488, 
                                          387.7928128, 386.7903531, 386.6250436, 386.549898, 386.5178556, 
                                          386.5147072), X564.8071975 = c(408.1278631, 392.3859494, 387.5985228, 
                                                                        384.9989269, 384.0664302, 383.9174889, 383.8442499, 383.8178535, 
                                                                        383.8151726)), .Names = c("X571.4711426", "X569.3318221", "X564.8071975"
                                                                        ), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -9L))
    x <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
    y <- c(3,4,10)
    z <- as.matrix(d2)
    pmat <- persp(x, y, z,
                  zlab="Score", ylab = "C", xlab="T",
                  theta=40, phi=-5, ylim=c(3,10), xlim=c(2,10), 
                  col="springgreen", shade=0.5)
    min.x  <- min(x)
    max.x  <- max(x)
    x.axis <- seq(min.x,max.x,by=2) # by = 2 will get you 5 ticks
    min.y  <- min(y)
    max.y  <- max(y)
    y.axis <- seq(min.y,max.y, by = 5) # by = 5 will get you 2 ticks
    min.z  <- round(min(z))
    max.z  <- round(max(z))
    z.axis <- seq(min.z, max.z, by=5) # by = 5 will get you 7 ticks 
    tick.start <- trans3d(x.axis, min.y, min.z, pmat)
    tick.end   <- trans3d(x.axis, (min.y - 0.20), min.z, pmat)
    segments(tick.start$x, tick.start$y, tick.end$x, tick.end$y)
    #Note the (min.y - 0.20) in the calculation of tick.end. This places the second line, parallel to the X axis, at the position -0.20 on the Y axis (i.e., into negative/unplotted space).
    #The tick marks on the Y and Z axes can be handled similarly:
    tick.start <- trans3d(max.x, y.axis, min.z, pmat)
    tick.end   <- trans3d(max.x + 0.20, y.axis, min.z, pmat)
    segments(tick.start$x, tick.start$y, tick.end$x, tick.end$y)
    tick.start <- trans3d(min.x, min.y, z.axis, pmat)
    tick.end <- trans3d(min.x, (min.y - 0.20), z.axis, pmat)
    segments(tick.start$x, tick.start$y, tick.end$x, tick.end$y)
    labels <- as.character(x.axis)
    label.pos <- trans3d(x.axis, (min.y - 0.25), min.z, pmat)
    text(label.pos$x, label.pos$y, labels=labels, adj=c(0, NA), srt=270, cex=0.5)
    #The adj=c(0, NA) expression is used to left-justify the labels, the srt=270 expression is used to rotate the labels 270°, and the cex=0.5 expression is used to scale the label text to 75% of its original size.
    #The labels on the Y and Z axes are produced similarly:
    labels <- as.character(y.axis)
    label.pos <- trans3d((max.x + 0.25), y.axis, min.z, pmat)
    text(label.pos$x, label.pos$y, labels=labels, adj=c(0, NA), cex=0.5)
    labels <- as.character(z.axis)
    label.pos <- trans3d(min.x, (min.y - 0.5), z.axis, pmat)
    text(label.pos$x, label.pos$y, labels=labels, adj=c(1, NA), cex=0.5)
    # And you can of course change the specific settings to whatever you want

    Fully Custom Ticks Example custom