I am about to test an app with the appcelerator titanium framework, i have to center a view on the screen :
my index.xml :
<!-- Anddroid Window -->
<Window id="index" platform="android">
<Require type="view" id="firstscreen" src="firstscreen"/>
<!-- iOS Window -->
<NavigationWindow id="nav" platform="ios">
<Window id="win1" backgroundColor="white">
<Require type="view" id="firstscreen" src="firstscreen"/>
the firstscreen xml :
<ScrollView scrollingEnabled="false" contentWidth="Ti.UI.FILL">
<ImageView class="fullBgImage" image="/images/login/bg2.png" />
<View layout="vertical">
<View id="loginView" class="heightAuto" layout="vertical">
<ImageView id="localImage" image="/images/logo.png" />
<Label class="logoLabel" text="Karma" />
<Label class="logoSlogan" text="Faits confiance à votre Karma pour booster votre carrière" />
<View class="btn btnVert" onClick="openCandidat"><Label class="btnLabel" text="Je recherche un job" /></View>
<View class="btn btnBlanc" ><Label class="btnLabel bleu" text="Je suis recruteur" /></View>
The index.js : The formula to achieve is : viewTopPosition = (platformheight - viewheight)/2
$.index.addEventListener('open', after_win_load);
} else {
$.nav.addEventListener('open', after_win_load);
function after_win_load() {
// Platform height
var platformHeight = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight;
// The view
var firstscreen = $.firstscreen;
/* Taille du logo */
firstscreenViewHeight = firstscreen.loginView.size;
/* Centrer la vue verticalement */
firstScreenTop = platformHeight - firstscreenViewHeight.height;
//firstscreen.top = firstScreenTop;
var style = $.createStyle({
classes : 'firstScreenTop',
apiName : 'View',
top : firstScreenTop / 2
On iOs it looks great, view is centered vertically, but in android the : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight is a too big pixels value = 1920
on my tiapp.xml file i already specified :
<property name="ti.ui.defaultunit" type="string">dp</property>
I know that android is pixels unit but iOs use dp unit, so how i to achieve this please ? someone has an idea? For now for android i replaced the
var platformHeight = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight;
var platformHeight = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.dpi;
But i ask myself if it will be good for all android screen resolution? and if this is a best practice?
Thank for your helps.
var densityFactor = OS_IOS ? 1 : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.logicalDensityFactor;
var platformHeight = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight / densityFactor;
or you can directly set the top to 50%
var style = $.createStyle({
classes : 'firstScreenTop',
apiName : 'View',
top : "50%"