I have two tables user & user login history. I need to make a report of the times a particular user is logging into the system. The table contains millions of rows of data. So running a nested query to fetch number of logins of users is taking a lot of time.
I am trying to loop through all the users and update the logins column. How can I do this in one query?
The schema is like this:
I'm running this query
UPDATE users u
SET u.logins = (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM user_logs
WHERE userid = u.id)
This is not working.
Is there any way how I could loop through users & update their respective login count?
I tried doing this with PHP but as the tables are very large. Doing this 1 by 1 takes very time.
Can I do this via command line?
An update should take so long, especially if you have proper indexed on both tables.
Try this:
UPDATE users u
INNER JOIN(SELECT ul.userid,count(1) as cnt FROM user_logs ul GROUP BY ul.userid) u2
ON(u2.userid = u.id)
SET u.logins = u2.cnt
Then make sure you have the following indexes:
users - (id,logins)
user_logins - (userid)
If that doesn't help - try doing this in two steps , build a derived table with the sub query results, and update by it :
CREATE TABLE temp_for_update AS(
SELECT ul.userid,count(1) as cnt
FROM user_logs ul
GROUP BY ul.userid);
ON temp_for_update (userid,cnt);
UPDATE users u
INNER JOIN temp_for_update u2
ON(u2.userid = u.id)
SET u.logins = u2.cnt
This should defiantly be faster.