I am using Xamarin.Forms to write a cross platform app.
To change between Pages I am using Navigation.PushAsync(new Page());
. This works fine when there is a NavigationPage
Now I want to get rid of the NavigationPage
on Windows Phone 8.1, because it is destroying my layout.
The Xamarin.Forms guides note, that you do not need a NavigationPage
on Windows Phone.
Also note that the Windows Phone platform provides navigation natively. Therefore, you do not need to use a NavigationPage object to get navigation on that platform.
Bu when I do not use a NavigationPage, an Exception will be thrown.
So what can I do to use Navigation without NavigationPage
on Windows Phone?
You can use PushModalAsync if it is disturbing your layout. I don't why such a statement in Xamarin site, because all navigations are handled by adding a navigation page.