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How do I install software which has a GUI installer on AppVeyor?

I'm trying to install required software for integration tests. I'm having trouble with my install script though since the installer doesn't have a silent mode. It's an EXE rather than an MSI if that makes a difference.

Here is what I have currently:

- ps: "curl $env:DOWNLOAD_URL -OutFile $env:TMP\\$env:DOWNLOADED_FILENAME"
- ps: "& $env:TMP\\$env:DOWNLOADED_FILENAME"

When I run this in PowerShell on my local machine it launches the installer but I can't see any way to send keys (I need to send something like Alt+N, Alt+A, Alt+N, Alt+I, Alt+F).

The installer is for EnergyPlus building energy simulation software.


  • Try /S, this works for most cases. If, however, the installer is async, you can do trick like this, to make powershell wait for installer to exit:

    start "" /wait "EnergyPlus-8.4.0-09f5359d8a-Windows-i386.exe" /S