Here is my drama:
I have a bootstrap panel which takes 1/3 of the page (col-4-md) and inside I have a table with only tho TDs on each row (TR).
1.) I want the first TD to be extended to the max width of the longest text in the first column,
2.) I would like the second column to add text-overflow:ellipsis if the containing text is very long.
One way to do the second is to add table-layout:fixed but then I couldn't find a way to to the first.
Any suggestions?
Here is a CodePen example:
I played a little bit and found one solution (tested on chrome):
table-layout: fixed;
from .table-crm {
max-width: 0;
to td + td {
width: 1%;
and white-space: nowrap;
to td:first-child {
EDIT: Heres a jsfiddle: