I have VS 2015 Community with Xamarin, Android SDK, etc. installed and today I stumbled upon SyncFusions Controls for X.F that are free in the community license. I installed the SyncFusion Essentials Studio for Xamarin.Forms.
The problem is that I cant run the included Samples like SampleBrowser or ServerMonitor when I select Android or iOS. If I select UWP or WinPhone the apps run. The issue is that the projects do not build. In The SampleBrowser for example I get 1400+ Errors when I want to build. VS recognizes almost nothing of the Code. But as I said everything that is not a Droid/iOS Project runs.
I have the Android SDK installed with API 19-23. AVDs are also configured. I also have a Macbook Air next to me that is connected to VS.
I tried cleaning the solution and re-building the solution without success. There were also no changes to the code made.
Edit: Here is a picture of the error list:
Edit 2: Here is the error list from "build only" on pastebin and as an image:
I found the solution. The comment to only show "build" errors lead to the errorlist you see in Edit2. There you see an OutOfMemory-Error. The resolution is the following.
I copy the solution in case the site will go down. Source: http://www.kiwipiet.com/2016/05/javalangoutofmemoryerror-consider.html
"I was getting a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError while trying to compile a Xamarin Android application after adding HockeyApp.
I found to ways to resolve this.
The first option is to add a Environment Variable called _JAVA_OPTIONS and set it to -Xmx1g. This sets the JVM heap size to 1GB. You can either do this from the commandline by calling SET _JAVA_OPTIONS = -Xmx1g Or you can edit your system environment variables:"