I have made a price range filter, and when the checkboxes are clicked, I want to show only those items that have the price falling in the price range specified by the checkbox
This is what I am following - http://jsfiddle.net/65Pyj/
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="includePrice('0,700')" ng-checked=""/> Rs 700 and Below <br/>
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="includePrice('701,1500')" ng-checked=""/> Rs 701 - 1500 <br/>
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="includePrice('1501,3000')" ng-checked=""/> Rs 1501 - 3000 <br/>
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="includePrice('3001,5000')" ng-checked=""/> Rs 3000 - 5000 <br/>
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="includePrice('5001,100000000')" ng-checked=""/> Rs 5001 and Above
In the controller, I get the min and maximum of each checkbox into an array and again min and max of that array as the lower and upper limit
$scope.priceIncludes = [];
$scope.ranges = [];
$scope.includePrice = function(pricerange) {
var i = $.inArray(pricerange, $scope.priceIncludes);
if (i > -1) {
$scope.priceIncludes.splice(i, 1);
ranges = pricerange.split(',').splice(i, 1);
} else {
var arrayString = $scope.priceIncludes.join();
var rangeArray = arrayString.split(',')
$scope.maxRange = function( rangeArray ){
return Math.max.apply( Math, rangeArray );
$scope.minRange = function( rangeArray ){
return Math.min.apply( Math, rangeArray );
$scope.ranges[1] = $scope.maxRange(rangeArray);
$scope.ranges[0] = $scope.minRange(rangeArray);
$scope.priceFilter = function(searchResult) {
if ($scope.priceIncludes.length > 0) {
if ((parseInt(searchResult.fees) >= parseInt($scope.ranges[0])) && (parseInt(searchResult.fees) <= parseInt($scope.ranges[1])))
return searchResult;
When I use
it returns random results which fall out of the selected min and max limit.
You are supposed to return the value if the condition is true. Not the other way around.
$scope.priceFilter = function(searchResult) {
if ($scope.priceIncludes.length > 0) {
if ((parseInt(searchResult.fees) >= parseInt($scope.ranges[0])) && (parseInt(searchResult.fees) <= parseInt($scope.ranges[1])))
return searchResult;
} else {
return searchResult;