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Add/include a Cmake that finds a package into CMake

I found this CMake to find OpenBLAS but I can't find a way how to include that as an external file.

What I have in mind is like #include in C/C++. I tried googling bit i get the answer on how to include a project into CMake.

The main reason for this is that I want to have my CMake as clean and as small as possible since this is the fist time I am diving deeper in CMake world.


  • but I can't find a way how to include that as an external file.

    You need:

    1. Save the module (FindOpenBLAS.cmake) inside your project, for example:

      └── cmake
          └── Modules
              └── FindOpenBLAS.cmake
    2. Add the path into CMake variable inside CMakeLists.txt:

    3. Add find_package directive inside CMakeLists.txt:

      find_package (OpenBLAS REQUIRED)  
    4. Use populated variables, for example inside CMakeLists.txt:

      include_directories (${OpenBLAS_INCLUDE_DIR})
      target_link_libraries (${OpenBLAS_LIB})