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Generating Swagger spec with golang comments

I am trying to create documentation for my REST API written in golang using Swagger. I have been following this guide: to do so and have been able to create the json file from my comments in my main file, however I do not know how to create the .yaml file that would translate to the actual swagger spec. I have followed the instructions on the page and included the //go:generate swagger generate spec in my main file. Anyone know how to create the .yaml file?


  • The generated spec would be json not yaml at this stage, not saying it can't be made to do yaml but currently it only generates json.

    you can annotate your main package with: //go:generate swagger generate spec -o swagger.json

    then you can generate the spec with: go generate when you are in folder of the main package. If your main package is not your project root but something like $project_root/cmd/my-server then you can run go generate ./cmd/my-server from the project root.