I am using assemble to generate from html files with a common layout files. I want to include the corresponding css and javascript file with different pages. So that, for index.html, only index.css and index.js are included, and for about-us.html, only about-us.css and about-us.js are included.
Here's my respository on github https://github.com/xchitox/assemble-gulp-test
If you are already using gulp then use gulp-inject to inject the html files with their respective dependencies based on injection tags.
function injectStartingTag(filepath, starttag) {
var inject = require('gulp-inject');
// Injects the source using relative paths
return inject(gulp.src(filepath, {
read: false
}), {
relative: true,
starttag: '<!-- ' + starttag + ' -->'
In your index.html:
In your about-us.html:
Call the function above in any gulp task. You can filter with gulp-if and call the function with the specific starttag. i.e.:
gulp.task('Inject', function(){
var _if = require('gulp-if');
var all_your_files = "**/*.*"; // obvously only add html, js, and css files
return gulp
.pipe(_if('index.html', injectStartingTag('index.css', 'inject:index:css')))
.pipe(_if('about-us.html', injectStartingTag('about-us.css', 'inject:about-us:css')))
// you get the idea