I have researched throughly before posting this question but I could not find an accurate solution. I have the below structure
stname: "SC",
dob : "1985",
education {[
{name : Lancaster,
year : 2013},
{name : Manchester,
year : 2001,
grad : 2004},
{name : Gambia,
year : 2001,
grad : 2011}
So I want to return only documents that have grad fields. So the last two documents should be returned.
I tried the following queries but to no avail
db.applicants.find({"education" : { $elemMatch : {"grad" : {$exists : true}}}}, {"name":1, "education.grad" : 1}).pretty()
returns only the first match as shown below,the first document is empty
"_id" : ObjectId("574dd5fcbda73af19e361a3f"),
"name" : "SC",
"education" : [
"grad" : "2004"
"grad" : "2011"
Also the below query gives you similar results, that is an empty document where ever grad field is not available.
db.applicants.find({"education.grad" : { $exists : true}}, {"education.grad" : {$exists : true}, "education.grad" : 1, name : 1 , dob : 1}).pretty()
db.applicants.aggregate({$unwind: "$education"},
{$match: {"education.grad":{$exists: true}}},
{$project: {"education.name": 1, "education.grad": 1, "_id": 0}})
This will return two records, no empty documents.