I'm trying to build a dynamic library on Linux using qmake. Here is my .pro file:
TARGET = sqxUiBase
QT += core gui
CONFIG += dll
INCLUDEPATH += ../../public/include
UI_DIR += ../GeneratedFiles
RCC_DIR += ../GeneratedFiles
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
DESTDIR = ../lib/release
LIBS += -L"../lib/release"
MOC_DIR += ../GeneratedFiles/release
OBJECTS_DIR += release
} else {
DESTDIR = ../lib/debug
LIBS += -L"../lib/debug"
MOC_DIR += ../GeneratedFiles/debug
OBJECTS_DIR += debug
The sqxUiBase.pri file contains the list of files that need to be built.
Now, the problem is that whatever I do, the resulting file is always named sqxUiBase.so.1.0.0
, with a bunch of symlinks (sqxUiBase.so
, sqxUiBase.so.1
and sqxUiBase.so.1.0
) pointing to it. How can I make it so that there's only a sqxUiBase.so
file and no links?
What you are looking for is making a plugin
Add CONFIG += plugin
to your project file, and qmake will generate a Makefile that builds a libFoo.so
file, without the numbered links