We want to create an XML. The current code does it by appending one XML tag at a time to a VARCHAR2
xmlString VARCHAR2(32767);
xmlString := xmlString || '<' || elementName || '>' || elementValue || '</' || elementName || '>';
However due to size limitation of 32767 characters on VARCHAR2
, we get the following error for a very long XML.
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
The solution we have is to declare a CLOB
and write a procedure to keep flushing the VARCHAR2
variable to the CLOB
v_result clob;
dbms_lob.writeappend( v_result, LENGTH(xmlString), xmlString);
xmlString := NULL;
However this would require replacing lots of exiting code lines with calls to the new function. Is there a better way to do this?
Anything similar to Operator Overloading in PLSQL? Can I change the data type of xmlString
variable to CLOB and make the ||
operator to do the work of dbms_lob.writeappend
Yes, if you change the data type of xmlString
to clob
, the string concatenation operator will continue to work.
However, building XML this way would be a very poor architecture. That's the sort of architecture that has a high probability of generating invalid XML when, for example, one of the strings happens to have a character that needs to be escaped (or for any of a number of different reasons). Oracle provides a whole host of functions to generate XML (XMLElement, XMLForest, SYS_XMLGen, DBMS_XMLQuery, etc. depending on your use case). It would be far better architecturally to use those built-in functions.