I want to have auto-generate Long unique key in Solr cluster. I'm using IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank service and I tried the standard ways of Solr to have auto-generate mechanism (generate UUID, etc), but it's not working for Retrieve and Rank clusters. Maybe IBM is using old version of Solr or it's customized by IBM.
Who had a such a situation and how he/she fixed it?
Then you in advance.
Add the following code in your solrconfig.xml configuration file:
<processor class="solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory">
<str name="fieldName">id</str>
<processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
I'm using IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank too and it worked for me. I created my collection after adding this configuration. If you already have a collection, check this link to update an existing configuration.