I'm currently developing a grails application (Version 3.1.2) and I got a frustrating error that I currently cannot solve.
Lets have an example case:
// Domain classes
class RootBean {
NestedBean nestedBean
class NestedBean {
int nestedInteger
not much to say about it, its just an 1 to 1 relation with no back reference
Now lets specify my problem: I've got a create and an edit view which both render a editTemplate with all the possible inputs. With a new Object (create) everythings works fine but with a existing Object I want to update I get this GSP Error Message:
Request processing failed; nested exception is org.grails.gsp.GroovyPagesException: Error processing GroovyPageView: [views/rootBean/edit.gsp:13] Error executing tag <g:render>: [views/rootBean/_editTemplate.gsp:1] Error executing tag <g:form>: [views/rootBean/_editTemplate.gsp:150] Error executing tag <f:widget>: No such property: nestedInteger for class: RootBean
Caused by
No such property: nestedInteger for class: RootBean
The GSP Code:
<f:widget class="form-control"
I also debugged through the Taglibary and discoverd that it's going wrong cause of the Type Integer, I got other String fields in the real object and they are working fine. The Error is thrown in the FormFieldsTagLib
class at line 569
private CharSequence renderNumericInput(BeanPropertyAccessor propertyAccessor,Map model, Map attrs) {
if (!attrs.type && model.constraints?.inList) {
attrs.from = model.constraints.inList
if (!model.required) attrs.noSelection = ["": ""]
return g.select(attrs)
} else if (model.constraints?.range) {
attrs.type = attrs.type ?: "range"
attrs.min = model.constraints.range.from
attrs.max = model.constraints.range.to
} else {
attrs.type = attrs.type ?: getDefaultNumberType(model )
if (model.constraints?.scale != null) attrs.step = "0.${'0' * (model.constraints.scale - 1)}1"
if (model.constraints?.min != null) attrs.min = model.constraints.min
if (model.constraints?.max != null) attrs.max = model.constraints.max
if(propertyAccessor != null && attrs.value) {
attrs.value = g.fieldValue(bean: propertyAccessor.rootBean, field: propertyAccessor.propertyName)
// This call causes the Error
// Debugging Values: propertyAccessor.rootBean: RootBean,
// propertyAccessor.propertyName: nestedInteger
return g.field(attrs)
I guess they are trying to find the fieldName on the RootBean instead of the NestedBean but am I doing something wrong or is it a Bug on Grails side?
Hopefully some of you knows an answer to this, its really much a blocker for me :(
I am having the same issue, the weird thing is that in I am not having problem, I have it only in
I could fix it with a workaround, implementing in RootBean class a getter for nestedInteger:
def int getNumber() {
return nestedBean?.nestedInteger
That worked for me. Could you solve it properly?