I have created an output window where multiple events are subscribed to using Prism's EventAggregator
. So far the constructor is handling two different events:
public OutputWindowView(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
eventAggregator.GetEvent<LoginStatusEvent>().Subscribe(trackLogin, true);
eventAggregator.GetEvent<ConsoleMessageEvent>().Subscribe(trackMessage, true);
Both events target the same UI component via SetText
private void trackLogin(LoginStatus s)
SetText("Connected: " + s.IsConnected.ToString());
private void trackMessage(string s)
I am trying to create a delegate to avoid thread errors.
private delegate void SetOutputText(string content);
private void SetText(string content)
Trace.WriteLine("===== SetText =====");
var text = content + Environment.NewLine;
if (this.txtOutput.Dispatcher.CheckAccess() == false)
Trace.WriteLine("->CheckAccess > false");
SetOutputText _output = new SetOutputText(SetText);
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(_output, text);
Trace.WriteLine("->CheckAccess > true");
this.txtOutput.Text += text;
The output hover is:
===== SetText =====
->CheckAccess > false
===== SetText =====
->CheckAccess > true
I would expect the output to be:
===== SetText =====
->CheckAccess > false
===== SetText =====
->CheckAccess > true
but it seems to be called twice.
You can subscribe on the UI thread by passing ThreadOption.UIThread
like this
eventAggregator.GetEvent<ConsoleMessageEvent>().Subscribe(trackMessage, ThreadOption.UIThread, true);
or even simpler, bind to a property on your viewmodel and you're done, because INotifyPropertyChanged
events are marshalled to the UI thread automatically.