I'm currently trying to apply angular-translate to my project. The problem with this is that I don't want my app.js to be filled with translations, I'd rather have it in separate files in a translation folder.
My project structure looks something like this:
-- css
-- images
-- js
--- controllers
--- directives
--- filters
--- services
--- app.js
-- resources
--- locale-nl.json
--- translate.js
-- views
My app.js looks simular to this:
angular.module('testApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ngAnimate', 'angular-loading-bar', 'smart-table', 'pascalprecht.translate']);
My translate.js file looks like this:
"$translateProvider", function ($translateProvider) {
prefix: "resources/locale-",
suffix: ".json"
The locale-nl.json looks like this:
"FOO": "This is a paragraph",
"TITLE": "Helloooo"
In my main.html I have a normal translation value:
{{ 'TITLE' | translate }}
and in my mainController I have this:
"use strict";
.controller("MainController", function ($scope, $translate, userRole) {
var vm = this;
vm.role = userRole;
But nothing seems to get translated and it doesn't look in different files.
In my gulp file I included all my .js
files from my js folder. The translate.js was located outside my js folder.
I moved the translation.js inside my js folder and now it's working.